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Disaster Risk Consultancy

Assessment and communication of natural hazards and disaster risk information


Multiple Hazards


We have expertise across hydro-meteorological and geophysical hazards

Tool Development


We have developed innovative online risk communication tools and GIS-based evacuation mapping tools

Multiple Sector


Over 15 years experience, across reinsurance, academic, and development sectors

Risk Analysis


We have experience managing risk assessment of multiple hazards in multiple countries

Research and reporting


Author and reviewer of peer-reviewed journal articles and reports on risk management

Post-event surveys


Damage investigations conducted after two tsunamis and one earthquake



ThinkHazard! (GFDRR)


Development of an innovative online hazard screening tool for the development sector - provides hazard and risk reduction information for project planning.

Risk Assessment


Management of multiple hazard, national and regional risk assessments including in Sub-Saharan Africa, Pacific, Europe and Central Asia

Pacific data review


A review of existing hazard and asset data in the Pacific region for risk assessment

Risk data Schema


A new data schema dedicated to storing and sharing disaster risk data. A precursor to the GFDRR Risk Data Library. Increasing access & interoperability of risk information.

Insurance Development Forum - RMSG


Promoting the use of open risk  modelling in disaster risk financing and insurance including a collaborative pilot project with NITF in Sri Lanka.

TOR development


Development and advice on Terms of Reference for many disaster risk assessments and data innovations at urban, national and regional scale

Making a Riskier Future


GFDRR report exploring the dynamics of changing disaster risk, and how to manage future risk

Evacuation Zone Maps


An indicative evacuation zone mapping tool, developed with GNS Science in ArcGIS and Python

Cat Risk Tools catalogue


An open access record of existing risk modelling tools - promoting awareness and use of existing models and frameworks

Tsunami resistant design


Technical report reviewing international tsunami-resistant design standards and building codes for MBIE, New Zealand

Tsunami Vertical Evacuation


Assessment of need for vertical evacuation in New Zealand, and review of evacuation in 2011 Great East Japan tsunami



Research on natural hazards and risk, including numerical simulation and  evacuation response behaviour

National workshops


Presentations to New Zealand national and regional Civil Defence and Emergency Management Groups

Aftershocks report


A GFDRR report reviewing major historical disasters and lessons for increasing resilience today

EU multi-peril risk review


Multi-peril risk assessment framework and profiles to inform response planning, with ICF for DG ECHO. Informed 'rescEU' - A new European system to tackle disasters

Post-event surveys


Damage investigations conducted after two tsunamis and one earthquake

Expert review


Review of technical report on tsunami vertical evacuation strategy for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, New Zealand

Flood model calibration


Development of model calibration process for river flood catastrophe modelling, for Ambiental Technical Solutions Ltd.


We operate globally from the United Kingdom.



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